Clothing LCL by sea to Southampton, England

Date:2023/5/27 16:30:56 / Hits: 0 / From:

Southampton is located on the southern coast of England and is the most important economic center besides London. It is also the gateway connecting the UK and the world. Recently, a customer approached our company through the Zongwei supply chain and inquired about the shipping cost and operational matters for clothing shipped by sea to Southampton.

Through simple communication with the customer, we learned that this batch of clothing is approximately 6 square meters and will be shipped from Shenzhen. Based on the situation of the goods, we suggest that the customer use sea freight consolidation.

After we provided a sea freight LCL quotation, the customer felt that arranging sea freight LCL would be more cost-effective.

A few days later, the customer approached us again and decided to cooperate with us. Our company followed the agreement to pick up the goods at our doorstep. Prepare the latest shipping schedule based on the warehousing time.

After arranging the warehousing, our company will provide the warehousing data and confirm with the customer. After confirming that there are no errors, we will arrange customs clearance and other matters.

After setting sail, it was about 28 days before the goods arrived at the port.

Note: Our company does not accept low declaration for clothing shipped LCL to Southampton, England.

Related Reading:

The UK Customs has launched a special inspection campaign against the phenomenon of low value declaration of imported goods from Asia, especially from countries such as China and India. In order to protect the interests of our customers and prevent goods from being detained by British customs, we hereby convey the following recent customs declaration requirements:

The UK Customs has detained imported goods from China and other countries suspected of low price declaration, and requested merchants to provide verifiable transaction payment information. Customers are requested to accurately fill in the declared value of your goods. For all goods with a declared value higher than £ 18, it is recommended to send invoices that meet customs requirements along with the package.

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